After spending the day painting homes and praying for families, everyone staying at the compound headed down to church for Worship Night. Half the "congregation" was Haitian . . . the other half, American. Worshipping together, in a sweet mix of both Creole and English, was an incredible thing to be a part of. I wouldn't have chosen any other way to end my time in Haiti.
A not so sweet send-off:
Speaking of ending my time in Haiti, I actually left a few days early. I didn't want to needlessly worry you all, so I kept this a little known fact. I ended up getting pretty sick soon after arriving in Titanyen. No big deal, I thought. I figured it would pass. And then as I got worse I started hoping it would pass. And then I started praying it would pass. Instead of getting better, I continued to get worse, so I made the decision to fly home early. What followed was a ridiculous amount of sleep, a visit to an urgent care, some bloodwork, and no answers. I figured as much, but it was worth a try. It was a bit of a scare, but I'm definitely on the mend. I'm sad my trip got cut short, but I made the right decision and I'm happy to be home.
For now, it's back to the hustle and bustle of life back in Wilmington : class, work, and grad school applications. The transition is always a bit difficult, and I'm already missing Haiti, but I know I'll be back. There's just something about that place. I just can't seem to stay away.
The end.