"I TRULY believe we can overwhelm the darkness of this world by shining something BRIGHTER and more BEAUTIFUL."

January 24, 2011


It’s a good morning.

I feel fairly adjusted here: I’m on the right time zone, I’m no longer sick, and I’ve let go of frustrations I once had. I walked into a completely different culture, and I think for some reason expected the transition to be smooth. Instead, I found a language barrier and huge cultural differences. One of my biggest challenges: never knowing what is being said around me. I can’t have the conversations I want to have. I often stand uncomfortable, waiting to catch on to some Creole or for Kyle to remember to translate. That's been let go of though. Time to embrace the comfortable and uncomfortable.

Life here is so very different from the one I lead at home. It’s definitely the small things that make for incredible days here.

Like… trying to have a conversation with a happy Haitian child:

Like… having yummy food for breakfast:

Like… reading a letter from a friend. Today, a letter made a regular day a wonderful one. A friend gave me a beautiful notebook filled with advice, challenges, and encouragement for me to read in Haiti. I opened it up today and read this:

“Your heart is going to break for every single hurting person you see, no matter what kind of hurt it might be that they’re dealing with. You will want to fix everything so that they can be happy, comfortable, secure. Realizing the you can’t do that will make you feel as small and helpless as you’ve ever felt. And the funny thing about our God is that that’s all okay. It’s not supposed to be about us, our strength, or our pride. In those broken moments, we have caught a glimpse of the heart of Jesus and his compassion.”

This resonates so deeply with what I feel here. Your heart breaks for the helpless. It breaks even more when they don’t want your help.

I am so thankful for the people God has placed in my life. Thank you dear friend (you know who you are) for the words of wisdom and encouragement you have given me. I’ve been clinging tightly to this notebook you sent me to Haiti with.

I’ll end this post with a beautiful quote:
“The sacred mixes in with the daily when you have a conversation with someone you love, or when you read a great book, or when you do something courageous. It’s still just a normal day, but there’s something bigger, something more compelling going on too…There are glimpses and whispers of the divine all through the daily…”

Have a wonderful day.
Find your own glimpse of something beautiful today.

Love, Janae


  1. Amazing journey you're experiencing...hope you're journaling. I'd love to read it one day! Daryl

  2. this almost made me cry. you can come home now, thanks.
